I hate to cut through all the topical commentary, but-

A few weeks ago I entered Channel 4 News’ Best Young Blogger 2010 competition.

I didn’t win. But, today I logged into my email account to be greeted with the news that this blog has been marked out as ‘highly commended’ by the judges- political blogger Iain Dale, C4  news anchors Krishnan Guru Murthy & Jon Snow, broadcaster Richard Bacon, the Guardian’s Josh Halliday, and Vicky Taylor – the Head of Commissioning for New Media, Channel 4 News and Current Affairs, amongst others!

You can find out more about winner Louise Jones here- http://www.channel4.com/news/channel-4-news-announces-its-young-blogger-of-the-year. There’s also a cheeky little link to my blog at the bottom of the web page!

Recognition is a brilliant thing!